Wednesday, January 26, 2005

New Teen Girl Squad!!

I mean the cartoon, not the next chapter, silly! Yes that is right, cartoon #8 is up right here wooo hooo and we should all go check it out!


Blogger Susanne said...

Was that REALLY nessisary? I mean really.

7:59 PM  
Blogger So & So said...

yes, it was. i'm sure many unaware people found it very informing. How else would they know a new TGS was up. It's not like they go and check twice a day like some people i know *coughsusannecough*.

5:25 AM  
Blogger Susanne said...

There is a fine line between crazy, and dedicated. Going to the website = dedicated. Posting it on the website = Crazy. With a capital C. Have fun with that Zonko. Ya, that's right. Loco. You man. Yo so craaaaazy.

7:37 AM  
Blogger So & So said...

You are in denial and have turned to blaming me. When you point at me 3 fingers are pointing back at you, suzzie. Now i know you don't think your crazy...But you are. Crazier than Jeff Dahmer!!

8:13 AM  
Blogger Susanne said...

Re: Fingers pointed at me.

Dear Emily,


Love (aw),

6:03 PM  
Blogger Susanne said...

I can't wait for Evan's chapter by the way. Did I mention I'm on the edge of my seat?

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, It's on it's way, it is currently 9:20 on friday night and I have decided to start writing.... here it come, hooahh
I don't like my name without a capital... evan, it just doesn't seem right.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Susanne said...

You're right! I've never noticed it before but it's true. There is something wrong with it.

6:23 PM  
Blogger So & So said...

i agree, it looks like a normal word instead of a name. name spelled backwards just looks stupid....ylime. anyway, i am very excited about this next chapter, although i must say that my nails have grown about 2 INCHES while i have been waiting for it!!!!

7:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny site.

Can't wait for the spin-off blog: TROGDOR!!!!
I mean, BLOGDOR!!!!
Burninating the peasants and some other stuff.... woot.

I decided to post because I usetobe* from C'ford, and I think TGS is grood.

Also, I have a 16 year-old sister who you probably know.

Ohhhh the mystery.

* to formerly reside

12:23 PM  
Blogger Susanne said...

No way! Oh I'm awful about mysteries. I mean it's one thing to not be able to tell me, I'd understand, but to just directly state that it is a mystery and then DISAPEAR I mean I'm dieing here man!! I just might know your sister too. You'll have to post back because until you do you will be know as RESIDOMAN! As in you usetobefrom here.

What a wacky coincedence that you happened to find a bunch of C-ford girls writing eh? And this Blogdor idea intrigues me.

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay... here's a good hint (only if you are the same age as my little sister and you went to Hillcrest for JK in the afternoon)

I was the Kindergarten helper for Mrs. O'Grady's class.

And my little sister just got her braces off (oooh, good one, I bet NO ONE besides her has gotten braces off in the last few months).

And it is weird that I found a bunch of C-ford girls writing a blog about TGS. Small freakin world.

Hey, does CDHS still have a darkroom? It usetobe in the janitor's closet next to Woody's lecture theatre and the topsecret staff bathroom.

10:58 AM  
Blogger So & So said...

Yes, the darkroom is still there as far as i know, but the top secret staff bathroom sounds new to me. it is quite a pleasant surprise to have someone new comment on our site, and a very wiered coincidence that they used to be from C-ford!!! so i probbrobly know your sister too, i'm guessing she is in grade 11 as well. hmmm this is a mystery...wait a second....i got my braces of a while ago...and i'm 16.....Craig?!? (hehehe, i doubt this is my brother, he would not have thought of such a thing as BLOGDOR!!!! wooooooo!)

12:41 PM  
Blogger Susanne said...

Haha that would be halarious. Ya, the lap is still there. I used it for com tech last year and some jerk took a wiz in the sink. Oh it smelled so bad. And I know where the top secret bathroom is too. It really must be a small world, or a small internet of some kind. I'm still drawing a blank for your sister. I went to Hastings. Mabye Cheerleader would know.

2:22 PM  
Blogger So & So said...

you are going to have to show me this bathroom sometime, i can't picture where it is. the thing that i dont understand is if said bathroom is so close to the darkroom, why could this guy not just go there instead of the sink...hmm perhaps convinience was lower on his list than annoying(understatement) the janitorial staff.

3:26 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

I thought you guys already knew that it was katelyn york?! She was in my JK class i think, but i cant say that i remember any of the helpers-sorry dude.

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ding ding.
I'm Katie's older sister, robyn. I live in California right now.

Didn't think you would remember the JK helpers (I can't remember mine either).

So what is my little sister like at school? I wish she would hang out with some cool TGS fans instead of the p-smokin' wankers she hangs out with. She's too smart/cool for them I wish she knew that. It was better when I was her kindergarten helper, and I could keep an eye on her every move. Hah.

It sucks that someone wizzed in the darkroom sink. In my apartment building, some doofus keeps relieving himself in the elevator. Every night. So gross. Maybe it's that same dude. At least we don't have to use the elevator (most apartment buildings are only three floors due to earthquake factor).

And the secret bathroom is across from the darkroom. It's usually locked, I think. Or it usetobe. We used to silly putty the lock and use the bathroom for making coffee and stuff. Such deliquency. It was right next to our lockers, though. Way too convenient.

Anyway, have fun!

10:46 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

I am a genious! But sorry for referring to you (Robyn) as a "dude," someone left me the impression that you were a guy- but that was after i had made my own judgment that you were a girl.

11:09 AM  
Blogger So & So said...

Gah! Robyn that elevaor guy sounds really nasty, you should put a little sign up "Please do not uruinate in this elevator" i doubt that would help though. Hhhhhm, a petition to install a urinal inside the elevator may go over a bit better. meh. Anyway, i'm just dieing to know how you found our web site.

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My bookmarks got lost so I was looking for Strong Bad but kept getting weird results, so I searched for Teen Girl Squad and found your site, along with a link to homestarrunner. Yeah for me, geek extraordinaire.

I'm gonna go make a No Pee sign for the elevator.


2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My bookmarks got lost so I was looking for Strong Bad but kept getting weird results, so I searched for Teen Girl Squad and found your site, along with a link to homestarrunner. Yeah for me, geek extraordinaire.

I'm gonna go make a No Pee sign for the elevator.


2:20 PM  
Blogger Susanne said...

I sit with Katelyn in computer class. You'd think I would have figured it out. I knew she got her braces off too. If I have any excuse, it's that I get the Ping Pong song stuck in my head very easily. You try and solve a mystery while singing the Ping Pong song, I DARE YOU!

Do do do do dodo do, do do do do dodo do, dodododododo dodododo do do do do dodo! and repeat...

6:25 AM  

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