Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry X-mas from the Teen Girl Squad: Whatsherface Alison, So and So Emily, Cheerleader Heather and The Ugly One Super Susanne.
Susanne Rocks Ltd.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Second Last and Final Chapters!!!

chapter 16 - Heather
Since for once nobody had any good ideas of where to find the man of the east, they figured that starting off in a eastward direction would at least be a start. so, as they all were exhausted as they hadn't got much shut eye in the last little while, they figured taking shifts would be best.
Emily offered to drive first so the others went off to their spaces which was proper grammer as they were distincly flying over New York City at the time. After a while Emily got pretty bored so set the jet on auto-drive and decided to explore. She could faintly hear the distinct sound of justin timberlake buzzing out of the club done the hall and the equally faint yet distinct murmur of John Rhys Davies snoring away.
So, she decided to check if everyone was still asleep and made her way down the hall. The first room that Susanne shared was opened a crack so she peered in only to see them arguing ever so quietly which sounded as though it was a korean portugese mix or maybe it was indian, she couldn't decide so continued to the next room.
She peeked into the largest room which housed 6 of the guys and had 3 king size beds, it seemed as though Sean, John and Dominic had lost the match as they were laying on the floor, although everyone knows that Elijah loses everytime but had likely exurted himself much more than everyone else thus Sean gave his winning up.
Just as Emily was about to open the next room there was a huge crash which caused Emily to be sent flying into the room across the hall where Orlando was sleeping-in which she soon discovered-the nude. She shrieked and ran out of there both in horror and madness to see what had struck the jet. As she reached the window she noticed that some of the others had gotten there before her.
"What was that?" Asked Heather, trying to see through the dark window to he jet.
"I dunno," said Emily "But that's never happened before, so I guess it can't be a good thing."
"Unless..." said Susanne "....nevermind, definitely bad."
"What if it's the man of the east?" asked Alison.
As if on queue, she appeared in front of the jet window in a ball of fire, seemingly bigger than the last time they had met.
"So, you think you could outsmart me, do you? Well, I have the perfect way of settling our differences because I don't want to be your friends!"
"But, think of the possibilities!" said Heather.
"Indeed. Only if you agree to help destroy humankind with me!!! Ahhhahahahaha!"
"NEVER!" said the teen girls in unison along with all of the characters backing them up, but one may have heard an ever so soft, ok mamn coming from Elijah who was still battling the erges to turn over to the darkside.
"I didn't expect so. I guess there's only one way to solve this quarrel then. A challenge, of riddles, to the death."
"Fair enough" said Susanne as she stepped in front of the rest accepting the challenge on their behalf.

Chapter 17 - Susanne

From inside the jet, Susanne glowered out the windshield at the Man of the East. The Man of the East grew bigger and pressed her giant fiery face against the glass. The rest of the gang who were not Susanne shivered and huddled together, but Susanne was not afraid because she was sure that nothing could possablie go wrong. She was so sure of this that she took a moment to do a little pre-victory dance, and a back flip just because everyone was watching. I hate to disappoint the fans. But anyway, her mind was racing for the perfect riddle. Not really perfect, because then there would be nothing left to lead up to a climactic ending but fairly good as to keep up her end of the competition for a significant amount of time. The Man of the East had the jet in her massive hands, cradling it as if it were only a toy. She was really, really big, and scary, and boring and a bad teacher who obviously misses college a lot. The Man of the East began with the first riddle,

“It's always above the negatives, yet it's lower than the first prime. No matter how you multiply, it's the same every time. What is it?” She said very smugly.

“Zero, you idiot, that is pretty obvious.” Shouted Emily who was angry the word ‘prime’ had been used in such a bad way, and then put both hands on her butt incase the Man of the East responded violently. She only scowled and let Susanne take her turn.

“I'm not an airplane, but I can fly through the sky. I'm not a river, but I'm full of water. What am I?”

The Man of the East growled and started to think. She placed the jet onto the ground with a brutal smash and put her head angrily in her hands. “In the sky… not a plane. Full of water, in the sky- A CLOUD! HAHAHAHA!!”

“Agh, yes.” Susanne replied and stomped her foot.

“Okay get a load of this one: The shape of my form will waver and bend, from the things I'm destroying and the things I will rend. My color will vary from bright red and blue, the power I'm using will dictate my hue.”

“Well worded!” Susanne marveled at this and sat to think She looked to the gang for help because she was thinking something along the lines of the Northern Lights but since they don’t exactly destroy anything she needed to think of something else. It was just really hard because everyone had been badly bruised from the jet’s unexpected landing and the smoke was pouring from the right hallway.

“FIIIIIIRE!!!!!!!!” shrieked Heather, soon joined by the rest of the gang and they poured out the emergency exits screaming fire on the top of their lungs. This angered the Man of the East because it just happened to be the answer. Now it was Susanne’s turn again.

“I have a good one!” shouted Orlando, “There once was a man from Nantucket-”

“Stop saying that! It’s not a riddle, and it’s NOT FUNNY!!” scolded Ali.

“Don’t worry guys, I’ve got this.” Said Susanne emerging from her thought. “I have a spine, but have no heart. I can take you places, but I have no legs. I can be interesting, but I have no personality. What am I?”

The Man of the East spoke at once, “ORLANDO BLOOM!!!” and began her victory dance. Everyone groaned because it was true.

“Wrong.” Susanne smirked. “Close, but wrong. Lando has legs.” The Man of the East looked past Susanne into the crowd and saw that this was true.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” she screamed and began to implode in a gigantic ball of fire. “NOOO! NOOOOO!!! I WAS TRICKED!! TRICKED!! OH THE HUMANITY!!!!” she screamed as she shrunk smaller and smaller until she was again normal sized and then pelted with peach goo. Unfortunately, The Man of the East melted into a flock of geese vowing one day that she would return. Dun, dun, daaaaaaa!!!

So now, all that was left to do was to return each actor to their homes, or where ever else they wanted to be, but that was really hard because everyone got along so well and were now on seeing each other on the streets and saying yo wazzup terms. Not to mention the love interests!! I knew that would end in tragedy!! I knew it! The Teen Girl Squad had reached the point where they must face their biggest foe: goodbyes. Yes, there was a lot of crying, and explaining who was who’s actual love interest. There was a lot of those, “Okay we’re going now- but OH! Before I do I have to tell you…” that resulted in another ten minute conversation on their doorstep and so on. A sight to be seen for sure.

Back in Canada, the Teen Girl Squad burst into Tim Horton’s, received a warm welcome from those old people who are just always there, small waves from the smokers in the glass cage, and discussed the finer points of their adventure as well as the possibilities of getting their jet on Pimp my Ride. Susanne had a cup of coffee so big she could sit in it WHILE she was drinking it and think about what she was getting for Christmas. Oh the possibilities!!!

It was awesome.


WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (a sad but accomplished ‘we’. Stay tuned for the second story sometime in January, new AND improved with a lemon fresh scent! Happy Christmas EVERYONE!)